Business Insider: 12 Mainstream Vegan Foods

Business news outlet highlights accidentally vegan junk foods.


Inspired by the recent announcement that Guinness beer will remove isinglass from one of its production facilities—making the beverage fully vegan—Business Insider highlighted 12 other mainstream vegan products that don’t include animal products. Featuring everything from Oreos and Fritos to more obscure products such as the classic vanilla flavor of Duncan Hines Creamy Home-Style Frosting, Del Monte Corn Cream Style—which gets its creamy texture from the corn pulp—and cellulose gel-based Smucker’s Marshmallow Ice Cream Topping. The business news outlet closed the story with the statement, “These products may not be great for your health, but you can breathe easy knowing no animals were harmed in the process.” Let’s hope Swedish Fish make it onto their next vegan feature.

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