Postmates Now Delivers Impossible Burger for Free

Burger lovers in Los Angeles can now get a vegan Impossible Burger from Fatburger delivered in 30 minutes or less.


Plant-based brand Impossible Foods announced this week its partnership with eco-friendly delivery company Postmates. Starting today, Los Angeles residents will be able to order the Impossible Burger from local chain Fatburger—where it can be made vegan by requesting the burger sans mayonnaise and swapping the bun for a lettuce wrap. Additionally, Postmates will offer free delivery of the Impossible Burger to customers ordering from locales participating in the 6,000-mile long, coast-to-coast Impossible Burger Tour. “Our customers have been asking for the Impossible Burger by name,” Postmates Senior Vice President for Brand Marketing & Communications Abby Lunardini said, “and we are excited to help bring the phenomenon that is taking the world by storm to even more people. Postmates is committed to reducing our own footprint, so it’s natural to partner with Impossible Foods, a company changing how we think about food and its environmental impact.” According to a report released by Impossible Foods this year, production of its plant-based patty uses 75 percent less water, generates nearly 87 percent fewer greenhouse gases, and requires approximately 95 percent less land compared to its animal-based counterpart. The Postmates/Impossible Foods partnership will extend to serve customers in other cities in coming months.

Photo courtesy of Crossroads Kitchen

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