New Study Shows Weight-Loss Benefits of Veganism

Recently-released research reveals that you can lose weight without counting calories when you go cruelty-free.

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A new study conducted by Doctor Brie Turney-McGrievy of the University of South Carolina demonstrates how plant-based diets yield greater weight-loss benefits than omnivore diets. During the research, the weight of 63 adults who engaged in diverse eating regimens that did not focus on calorie consumption, were analyzed over eight weeks, and the results, which were presented at the The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, showed that those who followed vegan and vegetarian diets lost approximately eight to ten pounds while those who consumed meat lost a little over five pounds. “Many researchers agree that vegan eating styles are tied to lower BMI, lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes, and less weight gain with age,” says Turney-McGrievy. “This is the first randomized study that directly compares how vegan, vegetarian, and omnivorous dietary patterns that do not emphasize caloric restriction can impact body weight.”

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