CNN Profiles Unlikely Vegan Strongman

German bodybuilder Patrik Baboumian is “smashing soy-based stereotypes.”


News outlet CNN recently profiled strongman and passionate vegan Patrik Baboumian. The feature focused on Baboumian’s success as a world-renowned bodybuilder and his dedication to veganism for environmental, ethical, and health concerns. “I’m probably the most unthinkable vegan on the planet for several reasons,” Baboumian said. The bodybuilder—who was born in Iran during the 1980s war in neighboring Iraq—went vegan after winning the title of Germany’s Strongest Man in 2011, citing concerns over the environmental, ethical, and health-related impact of consuming animal products. “We have areas in the world where there is not enough food for people, and I think it’s obscene to use all these resources we have to produce something your body doesn’t actually need,” Baboumian said. The high-performance athlete revealed that his diet contains calorie-dense vegan food such as potatoes, rice, beans, lentils, and legumes. In 2013, Baboumian broke the world record for powerlifting by carrying a 1,212-pound yoke nearly 33 feet.

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