Boxer Credits Veganism for Recent Wins

Boxer Lee Connelly fights for the animals.


United Kingdom-based boxer Lee Connelly recently won his second career fight—after 14 losses—and credited his new vegan lifestyle as his source of strength. The Super-lightweight boxer has been vegan for six months and won last week’s match against 27-year-old Ross Jameson despite a three-pound weight advantage. “I looked into [veganism] a while ago because animal products have long-term health effects like cancer and heart disease,” Connelly said, “but I didn’t stick to it, and now I do it because I have seen what the animals go through and how cruel the industry is.” The ethical athlete is outspoken about his veganism on his social media outlets, often posting inspirational content from fellow plant-based athletes such as power lifter Patrik Baboumian and mixed martial artist Abel Trujillo. “I feel fantastic on a vegan diet, and think it’s the future for all athletes and for anybody who wants to be healthy.”

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