Etnies Launches Cruelty-Free Shoe to Honor Vegan Skater

The high-performance Jameson shoe contains zero animal products thanks to skater Ryan Lay’s vegan lifestyle.


Classic skateboarding footwear company Etnies recently launched the Jameson HT—a new all-vegan, high-performance shoe. The company collaborated with professional vegan skater Ryan Lay to create the canvas-based Jameson which features a hidden reinforced toe, specialized soles, and high-top design for added ankle support. Lay initially adopted a vegan diet to win a bet last December, and after reading about the animal agriculture industry, decided to maintain it. In a promotional video for the new shoe, Lay says, “For me, it just makes more sense to not eat animals,” adding, “I feel like it’s easier now more than ever.” The new shoe is inspired by vegan company Sheep Shoes—a brand Lay wore when he first began skating—and is available in two colors: black, and a design with farmed animals holding each other’s paws. Footwear companies continue to recognize the environmental and ethical impact of using animal-based materials, as evidenced by Reebok’s upcoming launch of a cotton- and corn-based shoe.

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