Lush Cosmetics Employees Go Vegan for Five Days

Thirty of the cruelty-free makeup company’s employees teamed up with an animal-welfare documentary group to explore veganism.


Thirty Lush Cosmetics employees in Vancouver recently took part in the Five-day Ghost-Free Journey, blogging about their vegan experience, during which they enjoyed a visit to Canadian cruelty-free footwear store Nice Shoes and dinner at the new Vancouver vegan restaurant Graze. The Ghosts in Our Machine, a documentary and online community that serves as a resource and support for animal welfare, holds a bi-monthly five-day program to introduce people to a more compassionate lifestyle, asking participants to consider the animals affected by their dietary and clothing choices as well as their purchases. “I have eaten some amazing food, spent time with some amazing people, and had a chance to reflect on my footprint. I’m left feeling so inspired and impressed by everyone on this journey with me, and so grateful to have had support,” a Lush employee writes.

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