Bill Maher Calls Students About Cat Experiments

The comedian delivered a phone message to each University of Wisconsin student to alert them about the cruel animal testing at their school.


Bill Maher is fighting to end the inhumane experiments conducted on cats at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by appealing to the student body through mass phone calls. “I want to make sure that you know about the terrible things done to cats right here at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, ” says Maher in a phone message that was delivered to every student’s phone. He goes on to talk about how coils are implanted in the animals’ eyes and steel posts are screwed into their heads. “It strikes me that it’s not the cats who need their heads examined, because being mean to animals isn’t just stupid—it’s wrong,” he says. UW’s cat experiments have also come under scrutiny by American Horror Story actor James Cromwell, who protested the program at a Board of Regents meeting earlier this year.