Hundreds in Australia Protest Ag-Gag Laws

Activists gather in Melbourne to prevent criminalization of animal-cruelty investigation.


On June 28, hundreds of activists stood on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House in Melbourne to oppose Australia’s proposed ag-gag law. The new bill, proposed by Senator Chris Back, disguises itself as an “Animal Protection Bill” by requiring people who document animal cruelty to report the incident within one business day. However, if passed, the bill will actually paralyze investigations into industry-wide cruelty to animals as undercover activists could be jailed if they do not immediately turn in the first piece of evidence they gather while perpetrators of animal cruelty will not be punished. Though animal-rights organizations and activists such as Carrie Underwood and Moby have helped prevent laws from passing in 17 American states, ag-gag bills have passed in Iowa, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and Utah. On January 1, 2016, an ag-gag bill will become law in North Carolina.

Photo: Mercy For Animals