NY Legislation Aims to End the Shark Fin Trade
The shark fin industry is facing mounting opposition in the US for its cruel and painful tactics as well as its devastating effects on the ocean ecosystem.
May 9, 2013
The New York legislature has unanimously passed a statute that will outlaw the possession, sale, or trade of shark fins. Outside of Asia, the Empire State is one of the largest contributors to the shark fin market, which is responsible for the death of nearly 73 million sharks each year, according to The Humane Society of the United States. The only thing the proposed statute needs to go into effect is the approval of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo. “The decimation of the shark population is a serious concern as it has a detrimental trickle-down effect for the entire oceanic food chain,” says State Senator Mark Grisanti. “With the shark population in serious peril, and other countries and states passing legislation to protect sharks, New York should be a leader in extending protection to these magnificent animals.”
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