NBC Latino Spotlights Candle 79’s Executive Chef

The news outlet talks tempeh with culinary mastermind Angel Ramos.

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Latino mainstream media outlets have begun to embrace the rising trend of veganism, with Fox News Latino doing a segment on healthy veg diets last month and NBC Latino recently profiling Angel Ramos, the executive chef of NYC’s cruelty-free award-winning establishment Candle 79. Angel, who is of Mexican heritage, divulged his culinary techniques to the news source, explaining how he makes ingredients like tofu and tempeh into delicious meat substitutes using different seasonings and various cooking methods. He also pointed out that the key to making flavor-filled plant-based dishes is to utilize seasonable vegetables, which is when they taste the best. “One of the reasons why many people don’t love vegan or vegetarian food is because they don’t realize how delicious produce can really be,” says Ramos. “Try to cook and eat just what’s in season—it’s life-changing.”

Photo credit: Runner’s Kitchen

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