9 Things VegNews Editors Are Thankful For

Family, avocado toast, and our companion animals are just a few things we’re loving this Thanksgiving.


This time of year, we become more aware of the world around us. We take note of the supposed “little things” and value the time we spend with our loved ones. And although it would be impossible for us to recognize everything for which we are thankful, VegNews staffers spent an afternoon discussing some of our most favorite things in life. With a healthy balance of the silly, the sublime, and the serious, we think you’ll agree that the nine things we’re loving this Thanksgiving help make our world a much better place.

1. No food comas
On Thanksgiving, when everyone is passed out post-carcass consumption, we’re thankful for feeling light and energetic from the load of nutrients we just had on our plates.

2. Vegan gravy
Because a non-food coma-inducing plate of nutrients tastes decidedly better when smothered in mushroom gravy.

3. Family
From parents who didn’t flinch when we began labeling everything in the kitchen as vegan to siblings who allow us to be our silly selves, we’re always thankful for family, especially during the holidays.

4. Companion animals
There’s no better way to end a day than walking through our front door and discovering a furry friend waiting to greet us. Granted, it’s because (s)he is hungry, but we’ll take the love however we can get it.

5. Our jobs
Pardon our humblebrag, but we’ve seriously got the best jobs ever. We work in a completely vegan office, eat delicious food every day, talk to important people in the veg community, and get to be creative in the process.

6. Technology
Whether it’s using Happy Cow to determine where to lunch in a new city or following a new vegan dessert account on Instagram, technology is making veganism closer—and more fun—than ever!

7. Avocado toast
We hope never to know a life that didn’t include a morning slice of avocado toast. With a base of warm sprouted grain toast, mashed avocado, sea salt, smoked paprika, a little nooch, and arugula on top, there’s no better way to start our day at the office.

8. Nutritional yeast
Like a mother’s hug, there is absolutely nothing that nooch doesn’t make better.

9. You!
We are thankful, grateful, and appreciative of everyone who supports us because without you, there wouldn’t be a VegNews.

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