7 Ways to Veganize Your Sex Life

Get ready for some stimulating sensuality, vegan style!


You know who likes having sex? Everyone. That’s who. However, if you’re vegan, you don’t want to compromise your ethics for physical pleasure because, whether you’re single or in a relationship, your sex life should be as cruelty-free as the clothes you wear and the food you eat. With this in mind, here are seven creative ideas to increase the heat that will amp up your sensuality.

1. Berry shots
Select a variety of juicy, ripe, local berries (blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries work well). Then, blindfold your lover, and plop the fruit into a waiting mouth … one at a time. Have your lover guess what type of berry you are feeding them. Take turns! Savor the juices, and feel the berries in the midst of a sensuous long kiss. For a bit more playful and mischievous fun, smash them onto each other, and take pictures of these juicy designs before biting and licking them off your lover’s body.

2. Chocolate
Chocolate is delicious, but many don’t know that this delectable treat is also edibly erotic! Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), which stimulates the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormones) and increases dopamine levels, which are associated with pleasure and arousal. Many scientists believe that PEA is the chemical our bodies naturally produce when we are falling in love (or lust). Even better is the fact that a sexy chocolate-filled evening can be accomplished in three easy steps. First, heat rich, dark chocolate on the stove (make sure you wear a sexy little apron with nothing on underneath while you stir). Next, place a cup full of this luxurious melted deliciousness next to the bed. Finally, use your fingers to write something erotic on your lover’s skin, then erase it with your tongue. Nothing’s better than dipping fruit or fingers into thick, warm chocolate and having a sensuous tongue lap it up.

3. Avocados
During your trip to the farmers’ market, make sure to load up on avocados, as this smooth, silky, vitamin E-filled emollient is perfect for rubbing body parts, boosting arousal, and adding intensity for a slippery edible adventure. After rubbing your bodies with the fruit, you and your partner will notice how moist and sexy your skin feels. Then, for dessert, make vegan chocolate pudding with avocados, full-fat coconut milk, and cacao powder (with optional maple syrup and vanilla extract). Slowly and sensuously feed this creamy pudding to each other to replenish your energy for round two.

4. Cornstarch
You should buy organic cornstarch from the bulk bins because this surprisingly sexy ingredient feels like liquid silk. On a hot day, lay a sheet over the bed and massage your lover’s back with this smooth, sleek powder. Then, gradually work into a fully body massage, making sure to not to miss any special parts. You can thank us later.

5. Homemade granola
After your erotic adventures, you and your lover might be ready for something a bit more hearty, yet not too heavy. If this is the case, make organic, vegan granola together. Granola made with organic oats and grains is rich in magnesium and other healthy vitamins and minerals. Be sure to add your favorite toppings such as seeds, nuts, bananas, berries, and/or dates. Toss the ingredients into each other’s mouths, and whoever catches the most gets a sensual fantasy fulfilled by the other.

6. Sensual aromatherapy oils
Many people believe that the top four sexiest natural scents are citrus, cinnamon, ylang ylang, and vanilla. So, if you want to make your lover go wild with desire, mix all four together! You can also ask your lover what their favorite fragrances are and then go to a natural-foods store to match some essential oils to it. Dab your most erotic places with your lover’s favorite scents before each date to become irresistible.

7. Remember your bedroom
Set a sensual mood by burning eco-friendly candles (which also saves electricity). Then, choose a natural lubricant, and avoid petroleum-based and artificially flavored products. Many mainstream condoms are made with casein, a dairy-derived ingredient that no vegan would not want near his or her body! To remedy this, check out GLYDE a vegan-certified brand that uses recycled paperboard and vegetable inks in their packaging. Furthermore, purchase eco-friendly sexy lingerie from GreenKnickers and PACT for a fun, cruelty-free evening.

Jill Crosby is the owner of GreenSingles.com, the oldest, largest dating site for eco-conscious singles.

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