Schools Plan to Serve Healthier Lunches This Fall

Schools across the US are adding veg-friendly dishes to their cafeterias in an attempt to serve students healthier grub.

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School cafeterias are seldom considered healthy, but the federal government is trying to change that stigma. This fall, schools across the country will serve healthier foods to students, due to a new law requiring cafeteria food to meet certain nutritional standards. Schools are being asked to provide students with a larger variety of fruit and vegetables, more whole grains, and foods with minimal amounts of sodium, and schools that do not meet the criteria will not be compensated for federal food expenses. Some dishes that schools have been testing out with students include spicy black-bean vegetarian wraps, sweet potato salad, and spinach lasagna. This is the first time in 15 years that the government has called for a nutritional revamp in school cafeterias.

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