Vice Captures the Changing Faces of Veganism

A new Viceland documentary features vegans from all walks of life to show expanding appeal of living cruelty-free.


Recent short documentary Viceland—a lifestyle series produced by media outlet Vice—profiled several vegans to demonstrate the breadth of the movement in Australia. The Brewers—a family of eight, including three dogs—all went vegan after learning of the health, ethical, and environmental benefits of removing animal products from their diets through the World Health Organization and various documentaries. The film then focuses on Claire Foreman—a champion boxer who has won six consecutive fights after going vegan 18 months ago. “There’s definitely the misconception out there that vegans are weak, they’re not fit, that they can’t build muscle mass,” Foreman said. “I love surprising people.” Next, Afghanistan-born Taliban refugee Abdullah Azhar explains that his compassion for animals arose from the suffering he witnessed in his home country. The film’s final subject is Save A Cow sanctuary owner Anthony Walscott who started the organization to show people that animals are individuals. “If humans spent time in a sanctuary like this,” Walscott says, “they would realize how incredibly individual each resident is.” The film concludes with a statement from nine-year-old Indiah Brewer who says, “I think it would be better; A world of vegan people”

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