London Metro Plastered with Vegan Posters

Animal-rights activists transform the “tube” station into a vegan campaign.


On New Year’s Eve, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) installed 60 vegan ads at the Clapham Common metro station in London, England. The “tube-takeover”—which includes ads on walls, turnstiles, and doors—depicts chickens, cows, and pigs with the slogan, “I’m me, not meat,” urging people to go vegan. The results have been positive, as is evidenced by the social media response in favor of the campaign. This tactic is an attempt to connect subway riders to animals as individuals, not as food, during a time when people make New Year’s resolutions including dietary and lifestyle changes. A series of studies conducted last year found that people experience higher levels of empathy when presented with animals as whole creatures, as opposed to as meat.

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