Spanish brand Zamora Company recently reformulated its Licor 43 Horchata liqueur to be free from animal products and is launching a campaign to promote its new vegan status including an ad that reads, “I’m so vegan I don’t even call my boyfriend honey.” The new Horchata (previously sold as “Orochata”) formulation is made with a recipe inspired by Valencian horchata that includes tiger nut milk, cinnamon, and lemon and prominently touts its vegan credentials on its label. 

The company’s new ad campaign—which centers around the tagline “Did I mention I’m vegan?”—will air for five weeks starting mid-July across Facebook, Instagram, and through Google banners. “We’ve created this campaign specifically for the UK market and have built in touches of attention-grabbing irony and humor,” Craig Chapman, from UK distributor Cellar Trends, said. “It’s a bit of an unapologetic approach but still communicates the credentials at the core of the brand—the fact it’s dairy-free and nut-free and tastes delicious. And the fact that tiger nuts don’t come from tigers.” 

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