Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently launched her first brand Anomaly, a vegan hair care line available exclusively at Target stores across the United States. The new line consists of four shampoos (clarifying, hydrating, gentle, and dry), three conditioners (volumizing, smoothing, and shine) and a deep conditioning treatment mask. The products—which cost $5.99 each—were created to be mixed and matched for addressing specific hair needs. 

Labor of love
Known for her voluminous mane, Jonas spent 18 months creating the line in collaboration with beauty brand incubator Maesa and built the cruelty-free vegan brand around a mission of democratizing sustainable beauty.

“We spend less on packaging to spend more on superior, class-leading, and clean formulas to create your best hair days full of beautiful, shiny hair,” Jonas said. “It’s also our mission to leave the world better than how we found it. Our bottles are made from 100-percent plastic trash diverted from landfills and ocean plastic and our cans are infinitely recyclable. We bring you quality hair care without compromise so that you can have beautiful hair without costing the earth.” 

Within the next year, Jonas aims to expand Anomaly to countries outside of the US.

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