VegNews Twitter Chat: Thanksgiving Hotline

This month, we’ll tweet with vegan chefs about their tips for a delicious and stress-free Thanksgiving.

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Thanksgiving Hotline
Wednesday, November 14 @ 6pm PT/9pm ET
Special Guests: Allyson Kramer (@manifestvegan), Hannah Kaminsky (@BitterSweet__), Nava Atlas (@navaatlas2), Robin Robertson (@GlobalVegan), and Ayinde Howell (@AYINDE)

It’s the biggest food holiday of the year and our panel of vegan chefs is on-hand to help you prepare the best meal possible to impress omnivores and vegans, too.

Never participated in a Twitter Chat before? Don’t worry. We have a handy guide to explain it all. Join us at the hashtag#vegnewschat. VegNews editors will be hosting the discussion, and you don’t need to have a Twitter account to join.

Missed the chat? Click here for the complete transcript.

Check out our complete schedule for the remaining 2012 Twitter chats!

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