New Vegan Sunday Market Opens in London

Islington Vegan Market hopes to attract hungry Londoners with French pastries, Indian food, and non-dairy ice cream.


Islington Vegan Market will open in existing Nag’s Head Market this Sunday in the Islington neighborhood of London. “The idea is to help vegan traders, especially those from Islington and north London,” market organizer Manpreet Singh told local media outlet Islington Gazette. “And it’s also important to support the lifestyle. Even if you don’t think about the ethics of eating meat and dairy, a plant-based diet 
really makes a difference. Look at the state of the environment—we really need to look at the way humans are eating.” The market is currently scheduled for the first and third Sunday in November, with 10 vendors including stalls featuring jackfruit dishes, Indian food, non-dairy ice cream, and French pastries. “We want to show how there are alternatives,” Singh said, “and that veganism is affordable and really tasty.” The vegan market in the Hackney Downs neighborhood is already popular among Londoners and sells creative dishes such as the Bae-Cone—a seitan-based bacon cone filled with fried vegan chicken and sauces created by Temple of Seitan, the world’s premier vegan fried chicken shop.

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