8 Vegan Etsy Stickers That Your Car, Laptop, and Water Bottle Need, Like, Yesterday

Affordable and long-lasting, stickers are a great way to help spread the vegan message.


There comes a point in many young people’s lives when they want to express themselves to the world. This expression often comes in the form of band logos and fashion labels, and the first medium a child uses is almost always a sticker, as decals are much cheaper than t-shirts, and they last longer, too. While many of us outgrow this pre-teen phase, an array of vegan-friendly decals suggests that it’s time for us to get back into the sticker game to help spread the cruelty-free word. And because we no longer hang out at the mall all day, we scoured Etsy to see what vegan stickers we just might add to our laptops, coffee mugs, and cars. The result was astonishing, and although a part of us wanted to buy every vegan sticker available, we realized we might not get much work done if our keyboards were filled with decals. So, we narrowed our search to the nine best vegan stickers that we plan to place anywhere and everywhere.

1. Vegan leaf
You know that old saying “kill ‘em with kindness?” Yeah, well, we don’t exactly support killing anyone or anything, but we do understand that statement’s intent. With this in mind, we think nothing kills with kindness better than this vegan sticker featuring the word “vegan” underneath a simple leaf design. Yes, there’s a time and a place for in-your-face activism, but this sticker takes a much gentler approach. When others see this sticker, they’ll be like, “Wow. That veganism thing sure seems peaceful and nice.” And you know who likes peaceful and nice? Everyone.

2. Friends Not Food
There’s something serene about this Friends Not Food sticker featuring a chicken standing atop a pig standing atop a cow. We can’t quite place our finger on why we love this decal so much, but we do know that whatever we’re doing at the moment, we’d rather be in a field playing with these three animal friends. We think everyone who sees this sticker on their cars, laptops, or coffee mugs will agree.

3. Kale
This sticker is nothing more than the word “kale.” And why shouldn’t it be? Like, what else is there to say about kale other than “kale?” Nothing—that’s what. If a stranger approaches you, and the only thing that person says to you is “kale” before walking away, that’s considered normal by vegan standards.

4. Vegan Slayer
By combining the logo of popular thrash-metal band Slayer with the word “vegan,” this decal lets everyone else know that nothing you eat has met the angel of death, will be raining blood, and won’t ever contribute to an animal going south of heaven.

5. Nutritional Yeast Seasoning
Someone (a genius, we presume) has created a sticker that is nothing more than a generic version of Bragg nutritional yeast. Place this on the back of your car, and you might have problems because those poor souls who know nothing about nutritional yeast might accidentally bump your car as they inch their vehicles as close as possible to see what this sticker is all about. You know who’s not bumping you in traffic because of this sticker? Vegans, because we can recognize a bottle of nooch from 40 yards away. Even more amazing than a sticker depicting a bottle of nutritional yeast is the fact that five percent of proceeds are donated to animal-rights organizations.

6. Lentils/Chicken
As vegans, we love anything subversive, which might explain why we can’t get enough of these decals. Meant to be placed on packages of “real” (aka, dead) chickens at the grocery store, these stickers compare the protein, fat, cholesterol, potassium, fiber, and iron values of lentils versus chickens. Yes, this means you might have to touch animal flesh to spread the vegan message (which, admittedly, is gross), but not everything in veganism can be as fun and cool as a vegan Slayer logo. For these (which come on a single sheet with 24 stickers), you’re going to have to get your hands dirty—literally. And while we never want to touch a dead animal, we can make an exception if touching a dead animal means raising the vegan awareness at mainstream supermarkets.

7. Vegan
Another one-word sticker, this one comes with the word “vegan” and nothing else. Perfect for water bottles, your laptop, or the back of your car, this sticker is like, “Boom! I’m vegan. How you like me now?”

8. Love Animals Don’t Eat Them
The “Love Animals Don’t Eat Them” sticker has been around for years, placing it firmly in the “oldies but goodies” category. Lest anyone think that’s a bad thing, it’s not. In fact, we love seeing the vegan images of our youth being shared today. We don’t know for sure, but we assume this sticker has never gone out of style because its message is clear, simple, and direct. Love Animals Don’t Eat Them? Done, and done.

Ryan Ritchie is the VegNews.com Features Editor whose car has zero stickers on it.

Photo courtesy of CGAINSTUDIO

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