8-Year-Old Vegan Stands Up for Meatless Monday

The young advocate makes a strong plea to Long Beach City Council, saying that cafeteria lunches are “nasty.”


Meatless Monday has a new ambassador for the cause—8-year-old Genesis Butler, who has been vegan since the age of four and and is a strong proponent of the worldwide campaign. Last week, Butler stood before the Long Beach City Council and presented arguments for the city to adopt a Meatless Monday resolution, including concern about the drought and the fact that it takes 1,800 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. In addition, she told a personal story about how her school friends enjoy sharing her vegan lunch because cafeteria food is “nasty.” A local restaurant manager also spoke in support of Meatless Monday, stating that it would help alleviate the typical dip in Monday sales by encouraging locals to dine out. The vote was a favorable seven to two and the City Attorney is drafting a resolution to be presented for final voting.

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