Longton, England resident Roy Burdin—a 98-year-old World War II veteran—partnered with local organization Vegetarian for Life to advocate for vegan food options at assisted living facilities and retirement homes. “I was well into my 60s when I went vegan. It was still considered to be rather an advanced step and a lot of people who were vegetarian couldn’t see the point in giving up dairy products and so on,” Burdin, who is a lifelong vegetarian, told local media outlet Lancashire Post. “It was [factory farming] that convinced me that to be honest … you had to go vegan rather than just vegetarian.” Burdin lives independently and is grateful for the ability to make his own food choices, and advocates for vegan options at assisted living facilities so that other seniors will be afforded the same freedom of choice. The near-centenarian explained that vegan meals need not be complicated, confessing that a “good, straightforward, honest hummus” is one of his favorite foods, and that he sees few disadvantages to living a vegan lifestyle. “I was talking to the manager,” Burdin explained about a recent visit to a vegan restaurant, “and in a joke to him I said the only disadvantage to being vegan is that you live too long.” Burdin plans to celebrate his 98th birthday this weeked with his family and a vegan birthday cake.
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Photo courtesy of Vegetarian for Life