The most recent episode of Friday Night Feast—a show created by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver—featured an all-vegan spread. Oliver recently visited the world’s first vegan soccer team Forest Green Rovers (FGR) in England to film the show. For the episode, Oliver, who hosts the show with his friend and TV host Jimmy Doherty, cooked a vegan feast for the players in their home stadium kitchen. Oliver worked with the team’s kitchen staff to prepare plant-based dishes such as Keralan pineapple and Sri Lankan curry with roasted cauliflower, plus a roasted whole cauliflower and mezze dips. “I get quite a bit of grief from vegans online, but that doesn’t stop me, because even though you might not like some of the things I do, actually I keep loving you because 60 to 70 percent of my output is veggie/vegan,” Oliver said. “We’re trying to take the global public on a stepping stone journey to eat more veg, more plants, more herbs, and fruits … I think the message for me is that we should be eating more plants, [and] eating less or no meat.”
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