The New York City Council recently adopted Resolution 238, an initiative that calls upon the Department of Education to remove processed meat such as bologna, pepperoni, and hot dogs from public school menus citywide. The initiative was spearheaded by Brooklyn Borough President and vegan Eric L. Adams and supported by three council members, including Fernando Cabrera of the Bronx. “We cannot continue feeding our children substances that are scientifically proven to increase their chances of cancer later in life,” Adams said. “We must feed our kids nutritious meals that will nourish their bodies and help them perform better academically. Kids want to be healthy and strong, so let’s help them get there by feeding them healthy meals.” In March, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and Adams announced that all 1,700 NYC public schools would serve meatless meals on Mondays, along with a selection of vegan options. NYC’s ban follows similar legislation adopted last year by California’s Santa Barbara Unified School District.
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Photo credit: Wall Street Journal