Minneapolis-based vegan restaurant Fig + Farro will serve its last meal on Sunday, May 31. After temporarily closing during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the eatery opened for curbside pickup on May 6. The restaurant was founded with the tagline “Reduce Your Carbon FOODprint,” an initiative to connect climate change with diet change that owner Michelle Courtright plans to uphold with a new venture. “It’s with deep sadness that we are announcing we’ll be closing our restaurant permanently,” Courtright said. “With uncertainty of when we can reopen our dining room safely, we have decided to turn our mission of food and climate into a foundation. More to come on this in the coming weeks.”
During its time in operation, Fig + Farro donated one tree for every customer and has planted 71,000 trees since December 2018 in collaboration with planting partner Trees For The Future.
To commemorate its time serving climate-friendly meals in the Uptown neighborhood, Fig + Farro is asking its community of customers to share their favorite memories. “We’d love your support in our final week, especially any videos you can send about your favorite server, meal, or experience you’ve had in our space and ideas for our new future,” Courtright said. “This has been a really hard time for all of us and we’d love to hear your positive memories. Thanks for your support over the years, friends.”
Food, drink (wine and beer), and merchandise orders can be placed via the restaurant’s website through May 31 and picked up at 3001 Hennepin Ave. in Minneapolis from 11am to 8pm local time.
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