This week, Scotland-based craft brewery and pub chain BrewDog unveiled its newest menu item: The Hybrid Burger. The burger is made with 50 percent beef and 50 percent vegan Beyond Burger, comes with topped vegan gouda cheese and crispy onion straws, and is served on matcha tea buns. “Fifty percent less meat; 100 percent delicious,” BrewDog described the burger on Twitter, which led to mass confusion amongst its followers. Commenters questioned BrewDog’s intention with the burger—which it says is to serve a growing “flexitarian” population—stating that blending vegan meat with beef and then topping it with vegan cheese does not serve any justifiable purpose. “You’ve managed to put off both carnivores and vegans simultaneously with this monstrosity. Hell of an achievement, congrats,” one commenter wrote. Others pointed out that by including animal meat in the burger, BrewDog was defeating the purpose of serving Beyond Meat on its menu, with one commenter stating sarcastically, “50 percent less murdery, nice!” Commenters pointed out that appealing to flexitarians by including beef in the burger would be similar to serving a half alcoholic beer to a patron that is looking to go sober, with others posing similar analogies. “Amazing! You guys should try my hybrid T-shirt,” one commenter wrote. “Fifty percent sewn by adults paid the living wage and 50 percent sewn by kids in sweatshops … and believe me, you can hardly tell who did which half.”

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