Today, Seattle, WA-based vegan food truck Cycle Dogs is handing out at least 50 free vegan meals to those in need for Thanksgiving. The meals consist of Field Roast Celebration Roast—which was donated by the local vegan brand—along with mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, house-made cranberry sauce, fresh-cut green beans, dinner rolls, and pie. Cycle Dogs offers free meals to those in need year round, but owners Keaton and Becky Tucker were inspired to give out Thanksgiving meals because they, too, have struggled to make it and were able to get through by the kindness of others. “Our community in Seattle shows up for us and comes out to the truck rain, shine, or snow storm. They keep us in business, so we want to show up for our community,” Keaton Tucker told VegNews. “We recognize that if someone is already struggling, a holiday can feel more isolating than any other day of the year. We are really proud to be able to serve vegan food to the community, and at the end of the day we want to spread a message of consideration, kindness, and love.” The entire team at Cycle Dogs, including its manager, leads, and crew, are volunteering their time and energy to cook and prepare the Thanksgiving meals. “They are the heartbeat of this Thanksgiving Day operation,” Keaton said.

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