During its most recent episode, comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) focused on the growing popularity of plant-based meat. During its “Weekend Update” segment, host Colin Jost welcomed recurring characters Wylene and Vaneta Starkie (played by Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon, respectively), owners of meat gift delivery service Smokery Farms. “Burger King had its best sales in four years because of the new Impossible Whopper which is made from a meat-free, plant-based patty,” Jost said before asking the Starkies if the plant-based burger has affected their sales. “Well, it ain’t helpin’, Colin. This computer beef that bleeds like the real thing is killin’ us,” Wylene Starkie responds before Vaneta Starkie adds, “Plus, more and more folks are going vegan because they see videos of cute, smart, animals …” The skit is premised on the idea that Smokery Farms sells meat from animals that are “individually verified to be stupid, bad, rude, and talent-free,” which they presume eliminates the cognative dissonance neccessary for eating intelligent beings. Earlier this year, the popularity of Pigcasso the Pig—a rescued pig revered for his painting skills—prompted a similar skit on “Weekend Update” which, through satire, touched on the hypocrisy of loving animals while continuing to eat them.
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Photo Credit: NBC