Heart disease continues to lead as the primary cause of death globally, claiming nearly 18 million lives annually, according to the World Health Organization. In the US, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a dominant health crisis, as highlighted in the report 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: A Report of US and Global Data From the American Heart Association. This newly published annual update, featured in the journal Circulation, underscores the pervasive threat of heart disease while offering insights into its contributing factors and rising prevalence.

Heart disease by the numbers

Keith Churchwell, MD, FAHA, and volunteer president of the American Heart Association, contextualized the gravity of the issue, saying:

“Did you know that in the US, someone dies of cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds? Nearly 2,500 people in the US die from cardiovascular disease every day.”

“Those are alarming statistics to me–and they should be alarming for all of us, because it’s likely many among those whom we lose will be our friends and loved ones,” Churchwell continued in a statement.

According to Churchwell, the impact of CVD is profound, as heart disease and stroke—the fifth leading cause of death—combine to surpass fatalities from all cancers and accidental deaths.

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In 2022, CVD claimed 941,652 lives in the US, marking an increase of over 10,000 from the previous year. Despite the spike in raw numbers, the age-adjusted death rate fell slightly, from 233.3 deaths per 100,000 people in 2021 to 224.3 in 2022. Experts attribute this decline to medical advancements and increased public awareness but caution against complacency as underlying risk factors continue to rise.

The interplay between heart and kidney health

The report highlighted an alarming intersection between cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD), an often-overlooked contributor to health decline. Seth S. Martin, MD, MHS, FAHA, a cardiologist and professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, explained, “Kidney disease has actually been on the rise over the past decade. In our report, we noted a significant increase in the prevalence of chronic kidney disease among Medicare beneficiaries from 9.2 percent in 2011 to 14.2 percent in 2021. Additionally, the global prevalence of kidney disease has increased more than 27 percent in relative terms since 2010.”

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Martin emphasized the interconnectedness of heart disease, kidney disease, and other conditions like diabetes and obesity. These illnesses share common risk factors, such as high blood pressure and unhealthy weight, which continue to escalate nationwide. Such trends reinforce the need for holistic healthcare approaches that target these interconnected diseases.

Obesity, diabetes, and hypertension: risk factors on the rise

The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors paints a concerning picture for the nation’s health. Nearly 47 percent of US adults live with high blood pressure, while more than 72 percent have an unhealthy weight—a metric defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher. Alarmingly, nearly 42 percent of adults are classified as obese, with a BMI of 30 or above. Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes also impact over half the adult population, affecting 57 percent of Americans.

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The risks are not equally distributed across populations. For instance, obesity rates among Black women reach 57.9 percent, compared to 14.5 percent among Asian women. Similarly, Hispanic men exhibit the highest prevalence of diabetes at 14.5 percent, while white women show the lowest rate at 7.7 percent. High blood pressure affects 58.4 percent of Black women—a stark contrast to 35.3 percent among Hispanic women. These disparities underscore the need for tailored interventions to address unique risk profiles within diverse communities.

Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome: a growing crisis

In 2023, the American Heart Association formally recognized the interrelated nature of cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic disorders by defining them under the umbrella of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome. This classification aims to enhance understanding of the shared risk factors—including obesity, diabetes, and hypertension—that collectively worsen health outcomes. Experts warn that without significant action, the prevalence of these conditions will rise steeply in the coming decades.

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Dhruv S. Kazi, MD, MSc, MS, FAHA, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, commented on the stark projections: “If recent trends continue, hypertension and obesity will each affect more than 180 million US adults by 2050, whereas the prevalence of diabetes will climb to more than 80 million. And over the same time period, we expect to see a 300 percent increase in health care costs related to cardiovascular disease.”

Kazi also pointed out the inequities in how cardiovascular disease impacts different groups, noting, “Although cardiovascular disease affects us all, it doesn’t affect us all equally. For instance, there is wide variation in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure by sex and race/ethnicity.”

The role of excess weight in cardiovascular health

Excess weight has emerged as one of the most significant health threats in the US. As many as 40 percent of children and nearly 60 percent of adults globally now have an unhealthy weight. Among U.S. children, 20 percent meet the threshold for obesity, and the implications are dire. Excess weight is responsible for 1,300 additional deaths per day in the US, totaling nearly 500,000 annually. Research indicates that life expectancy drops by as much as 2.4 years for those with excess weight compared to those at a healthy weight.

Latha P. Palaniappan, MD, MS, FAHA, a professor at Stanford University, highlighted the gender and racial disparities in these statistics: “The impact on lives lost is twice as high for women, and higher for Black adults than for white adults. It’s alarming to note that excess weight now costs us even more lives than smoking—as smoking rates have actually fallen in recent years. Being overweight is the new smoking when it comes to health threats.”

Progress and challenges in public health

Despite the alarming statistics, there are signs of progress. Smoking rates among adults in the US have declined dramatically, from 51 percent of men and 34 percent of women in 1965 to 15.6 percent and 12.0 percent, respectively, in 2018. Youth tobacco use has also seen a downward trend, with e-cigarette use among high school students dropping from 14.1 percent in 2022 to 10 percent in 2023.

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Cholesterol management has similarly improved due to increased public awareness and advances in medication. As Keith Churchwell explained, “Another positive trend over the years has been a reduction in the rates of high cholesterol. That’s likely thanks, in part, to increased awareness about the dietary and lifestyle factors that impact cholesterol levels, along with the availability of medications and better clinical control.”

However, as both Kazi and Churchwell emphasized, addressing CVD will require a comprehensive approach that extends beyond medical intervention. Kazi stated, “The disparities in risk and outcomes call for tailored interventions among high-risk populations. Simply discovering breakthrough therapies isn’t going to be enough—we have to ensure that these therapies are accessible and affordable to people who need them most.”

Churchwell added, “Heart disease was once considered a death sentence, but thanks to the many advances in clinical diagnosis and treatment, people are able to live longer, healthier lives even after a cardiovascular event. Certainly, any medical or clinical therapy that can treat the risk factors that contribute to CVD are essential. More importantly, I would say that we need to stop these risk factors in their tracks, keep people healthy throughout their lifespan. That will only be possible with a strong emphasis on early prevention and equitable health access for all.”

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