New fashion brand “Don’t Eat the Homies” (DETH) launched this week in Venice, CA. Co-founded by real estate entrepreneur Jordyn Weekly and Colombian-born Enrique Sanchez Rivera—known for launching swimwear brand La Isla—created the brand to bring awareness to the suffering animals endure in the food and fashion industries. The duo designed the apparel with simple “Don’t Eat the Homies” messaging to speak to a larger demographic of compassionate individuals who they say have been manipulated by the animal-agriculture industry to disconnect animal slaughter from food. “Today, the West Coast answers back,” the company wrote in a statement. “By calling out DETH we reclaim it. We rebrand veganism as yeah, fine, pushy and playful; compassionate not mushy. And frankly, dope as hell.” DETH’s debut pieces are modeled by Ireland Basinger-Baldwin—the daughter of actors Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger—and a portion of its profits will be donated to support farmed animal sanctuary The Gentle Barn.
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