This year’s Veganuary participants are expected to save more than one million animals from slaughter, according to research carried out by James Poore, an environmental researcher at the University of Oxford. Veganuary expects 350,000 people to take on its challenge to go vegan for the month of January and beyond, which will also amount to some hefty environmental benefits. “We calculated the environmental impacts of the current diet and the vegan diet for every country globally using the latest environmental impact data—this includes everything from agriculture to food transport,” Poore said. “For the 350,000 people expected to take part in Veganuary, this would save as much greenhouse gas emissions as moving 160,000 cars from the road or about 400,000 to 500,000 single flights from London to Berlin.” Veganuary launched in the United Kingdom in 2014 and counted 250,000 pledges last year. In 2020, the campaign expanded to the United States where food companies, restaurants, other businesses, and celebrities are currently promoting the campaign throughout January.
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