Will.I.Am Equates Meat and Dairy to Crack
The newly vegan musician urges fans to join his VGang posse in fighting the Food and Drug Administration that approves harmful foods as safe and pushes drugs to treat diet-related illnesses.
March 26, 2018
Vegan musician William James Adams (known professionally as “will.i.am”) took to social media during the weekend to explain why he believes consuming meat and dairy is equivalent to doing drugs. The musician published three posts on Instagram, including a video, to discuss the ills of consuming animal products. “It’s obvious there is a system out there that’s taking advantage of our addictions,” Adams said. “Drugs aren’t just chemicals that get you high; fast food [is a] drug, too, and just like crack, it [will] eventually kill you.” Adams pointed out that he finds it interesting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controls both the safety of food and drugs—particularly those used to treat diet-related ailments such as high cholesterol, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. “The FDA approves things for us to eat that [are] harmful,” Adams said, “and approves drugs for us when we get sick from eating the [expletive] we were eating.” Earlier this year, the musician announced that he joined the “VGang”—which he describes as “a group of people taking a hardcore gangster approach to wellness and [conscious] living”—and has since thrived on a plant-based diet. “Being VGang is beyond just protecting animals and the planet,” Adams said. “It’s [about] protecting my energy field from toxic chemicals.”
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Photo courtesy of Rapondemand