This month, acclaimed French pastry chef Pierre Hermé launched a vegan Rose des Sables macaron—a first for the award-winning chef. Made from meticulously sourced ingredients, the animal-free treat features an almond and oat milk-based chocolate filling sandwiched between rose and praline cookies which are egg-free thanks to algae extract and potato protein. “The soft and caramelized notes of the roasted almond mix with the suave fragrances of the rose-scented milk chocolate ganache to achieve the epitome of taste,” the chef described the new vegan cookie on Facebook. The vegan macarons—which Hermé launched to celebrate his new book Infiniment Macaron—are available in limited quantities at Pierre Hermé boutique shops across Paris. 

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🇫🇷 Pour célébrer la sortie du livre Infiniment Macaron de Pierre Hermé chez @lamartiniere.cuisine, nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter le tout premier macaron végan 🌱 de la Maison, Rose des Sables. Chocolat au Lait d’Amande, Rose & Praliné Amande : une recette sans aucun ingrédient d’origine animale à découvrir dès aujourd’hui en édition limitée dans nos boutiques parisiennes 😋 © @laurentfau - Éditions de la Martinière . . 🇬🇧 To celebrate the book launch of Infiniment Macaron published by @lamartiniere.cuisine , we are pleased to present Pierre Hermé’s very first vegan 🌱 macaron, Rose des Sables. Almond milk chocolate, Rose & Almond Praline: a recipe without any animal ingredients to be discovered today in limited edition in our Parisian boutiques 😋 © @laurentfau - Éditions de la Martinière . . . . . #PierreHerme #PierreHermé #PicassoOfPastry #Pastry #Paris #exclusivité #Pastryart #FoodLovers #IGFood #IGPastry #Food #FoodPassion #patisserie #pastrychef #gourmandise #instafood #recipe #recette #RosedesSables #Rose #Amande #almond #MacaronVegan #vegan #veganfood #veganfrance #veganpastry #veganlifestyle #vegancommunity #veganrecipe

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While French cuisine and pastries traditionally rely heavily on animal products, a number of businesses have begun to adapt to changing consumer behavior by introducing plant-based options. Last year, 158-year-old French pastry chain Ladurée worked with vegan chef Matthew Kenney to revamp its Beverly Hills location into a fully vegan bakery and restaurant that serves a variety of macarons, croissants, palmiers, and meringue-topped tartlets. In March, Kenney helped Ladurée add vegan macarons in Peruvian Chocolate and Coconut Caramel flavors to its shops in Paris, where it will continue to add other vegan options, including pastries and cakes.

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