Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders expressed his disdain for factory farms this week on social media. “Factory farms are responsible for 1.4 trillion pounds of animal waste in America,” Sanders tweeted. “They are a threat to the water we drink and the air we breathe, and it is unbelievable to me that Republicans in Congress have been working overtime to exempt factory farms from environmental laws.”

Fans of the presidential hopeful supported his bold statement on Twitter, thanking him for bringing an often ignored political issue to the forefront. Sanders advocates for ending government subsidies for factory farm operations to redistribute wealth to small farmers in rural America. Several Twitter followers urged Sanders to make a connection between all forms of animal agriculture and animal suffering. “Farming other sentient beings is the most horrific thing a country can do,” @bewyds responded to Sanders’ tweet. “While their waste is most definitely destroying the environment, more importantly, it’s creating endless suffering for the most vulnerable sentient beings in a human-dominated society.”

Photo Credit: Vox

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