This week, restaurant company Chanticleer Holdings announced its partnership with vegan meat brand Beyond Meat. The partnership will put the vegan Beyond Burger on the menu at 50 locations of Chanticleer Holdings’ burger restaurants, including Little Big Burger, American Burger Company, Burgers Grilled Right, and Just Fresh where each restaurant will prepare the vegan burger according to its own specifications. “With roughly one-third of consumers identifying as flexitarians, we’re thrilled to partner with Beyond Meat to provide a plant-based alternative to our current menu offerings,” Fred Glick Chanticleer Holdings President said. “We also understand that consumers are more conscious than ever about making responsible food choices that are not only healthy, but that also take sustainability and ethical considerations into account.” The company also owns Hooters restaurants but has not announced the addition of the Beyond Burger on its menu. In addition to Chanticleer Holdings’ restaurants, the Beyond Burger is on the menu at a variety of chains from vegan Veggie Grill to Carl’s Jr. and A&W Canada.
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