Actor Kalpen Suresh Modi (known professionally as “Kal Penn”) ordered an Impossible Slider from White Castle to promote the vegan-friendly burger to his fans. Penn—known for his role as “Kumar” in popular film Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle—was inspired to remove meat from his diet after the United States pulled out of the Paris Agreement. The actor is now an “aspiring vegan” thanks to his friend Jake Crumbine, the Head of Influencer Partnerships at Impossible Foods, who introduced Penn to the company’s plant-based patty. “It’s a company making a delicious product,” Penn told Forbes, “making meat out of plants in a way that’s more equitable for the planet, more green, and the fact that it’s at White Castle makes the price point accessible to a lot of people.” White Castle launched the Impossible Slider (which can be ordered vegan by omitting cheese) at 140 locations in April. This week, after a successful trial run, during which some restaurants sold as many as 300 Impossible Sliders per day, White Castle expanded the $1.99 mini-burger to all of its 377 locations in 13 states. The whereabouts of “Harold” (John Cho) are unknown at this time.

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