Scottish pub Rutherfords Micropub recently created Vegan Haggis Gin—the first in the world of its kind according to owners Debbie and Simon Rutherford. The full-strength spirit (37.5-percent alcohol by volume) was developed as a unique vegan take on the traditional Scottish dish—which consists of either sheep or calf organs boiled together with suet, oatmeal, and seasonings before it’s stuffed into a sheep stomach. “We scoured lots of recipes for traditional haggis and narrowed it down to the key spices which give the unique flavor,” the Rutherfords jointly told Border Telegraph. “Then we set about experimenting until we came up with a unique, and very tasty, Scottish alternative to whiskey. We can guarantee that no haggis, or any other animal, was harmed in the making.” On January 25, the pub will celebrate “Burns Lite”—an annual event dedicated to Scottish poet Robert Burns—during which local Scotsman Jesse Rae will unveil the bottle wearing traditional Scottish regalia. For those looking to satisfy their hunger for haggis with something solid, candy company Coco Chocolatier recently debuted its “Haggis Spice” vegan chocolate bar, described as a “modern reflection” on the meat-based dish.  

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