Spanish meat brand Campofrío Frescos recently launched vegan The Magic Burger (sold as patties and grounds) in the meat case at supermarkets across Spain. The new product is made with soy and pea protein, along with mushrooms and is part of the meat brand’s vegetarian Vegalia line. “Magic Burger’s formula is unique and exclusive, the result of months of research, and required a careful elaboration process down to the smallest detail, in order to offer the consumer a high quality, fresh, and freshly made vegan burger,”  Campofrío Marketing Director Eduardo Velarde said. While the pork brand offers vegetarian meat options (which contain egg), the Magic Burger is its first fully vegan meat product. 

In addition to Campofrío, a number of meat companies around the world have recently added plant-based meat to their product lines, including Hormel (which launched its Happy Plants vegan meat line last year); Smithfield Foods (which launched its Pure Farmland line last year); and Brazilian meat giant JBS—which is currently giving away one million vegan burgers made by its subsidiary brand Planterra on a nationwide tour across the United States.

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