Topshop Creates Vegan T-Shirt That Isn’t Vegan

The fashion retailer is selling a Tee & Cake shirt—that is adorned with the word “vegan,” but includes an egg and butter-based recipe on its tag.


United Kingdom-based fashion retailer Topshop received online backlash this week due to a vegan t-shirt that also promotes the use of animal products. The pink shirt—created by fashion label Tee & Cake—features the word “vegan” below an image of a dinosaur. However, the shirt’s tag features a recipe that includes butter and eggs that, according to Jimmy Pierson, director of food awareness group ProVeg UK, was an “oversight” by Tee & Cake. “They use this same label on every item in their range,” Pierson told The Sun. “More importantly, these t-shirts show just how mainstream and popular veganism has become. Now, it’s being printed on clothes sold in one of the most well-known fashion retailers in the world!”

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