In March, North Carolina-based vegan butcher No Evil Foods donated 400 pounds of vegan meat to communities and organizations in North Carolina and California to help hunger-relief efforts during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “As our community continues to struggle under the new guidelines of Stay Safe, Stay Home, No Evil Foods has been proactive in making sure their product reaches the hands of those most in need,” Liz Button, Advisory Council Member of one recipient organization, Haywood Street Downtown Welcome Table, said. The brand also has an ongoing relationship with nonprofit Bounty & Soul, to which it has donated more than 2,780 pounds of vegan meat over the last three months. In turn, the organizations use No Evil Foods’ meats to create meatless meals for those in need.
“I was raised with the mindset that no matter what I have or don’t have, I will always have more than someone else and I can always find something to give to others,” No Evil Foods co-founder Sadrah Schadel said. “That value has also been instilled into the backbone of No Evil Foods. Even as a small emerging brand, we are still in the position to give back. Giving can be so much more than a financial transaction. It’s important that we as a society look at giving in multiple ways, not just monetary donations.”
In 2019, No Evil Foods expanded the distribution of its vegan meats—such as Comrade Cluck (chicken), The Stallion (Italian Sausage), El Zapatista (chorizo), and Pit Boss (barbecued pulled pork)—to Whole Foods Markets nationwide and its products, along with apparel, accessories, and home goods, can also be ordered online.
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