Vegan Category Appears on Jeopardy!
Host Alex Trebek tasks contestants with questions—in the form of answers, of course—from This Vegan Life category, a first for the long-running game show.
March 11, 2018
On a recent episode of classic game show Jeopardy!, contestants were presented a “This Vegan Life” category. During the first round of the game, host Alex Trebek revealed the vegan-themed category to contestants Rob Wivchar, Jack Rice, and Matt Lisiecki,(the returning champion). Rice chose the $200 clue in the This Vegan Life category, which read, “Whether this product is vegan or not depends on how you perceive bees to be affected by the extraction process.” He correctly answered “honey”—even though honey is largely regarded as a non-vegan animal product in the vegan community. The next vegan category clue, worth $400 and chosen by Lisiecki, read, “Some vegan chefs make this sandwich spread by forgoing the egg and using cashews instead.” Lisiecki was not able to provide the answer—which was oddly “mayonnaise”—in time ending the round. The contestants avoided choosing the remaining clues for This Vegan Life category before the end of the round. The final Jeopardy! round asked contestants to identify the name of a classic British novel by a preface that called it “a loud hee-haw at all who yearn for utopia and a pretty good fable in the Aesop tradition.” Rice wagered $7,100 and won the show—with a combined total of $26,500—with his correct answer, Animal Farm, a 1945 novel by George Orwell that critiques Soviet-era Russia with an allegory based on farmed animals.
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