The United Kingdom-based Meat Free Monday campaign is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the launch of a new #MFMCountMeIn campaign endorsed by celebrities and political figures, including Ringo Starr, Tom Hanks, Paul Rudd, Isla Fisher, Ellie Goulding, Alicia Silverstone, Orlando Bloom, Beth Ditto, Alexis Gauthier, Ocean Robbins, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity Christiana Palmer, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson. The original campaign was spearheaded in 2009 by legendary musician Paul McCartney and his daughters, Stella and Mary McCartney, in order to promote meat-free meals at least one day per week. “Ten years of Meat Free Monday—I can’t believe it,” Paul McCarntey said. “It’s beautiful, and the support we’ve had from all these lovely people—you and all the other lovely people—it’s been great. It’s a simple idea that people have caught onto. They love it, we love it, the planet loves it, everybody loves it, the animals love it. It’s Meat Free Monday—happy 10 years.” Inspired by Meat Free Monday, campaigns around the world have launched to spread the meatless message, including Green Monday in Hong Kong, Meat Free Monday All Japan, and Segunda Sem Carne (SSC) in Brazil. “Brazil is one of [the] biggest meat producers in the world but also has a very strong Meat Free Monday movement,” SSC Mônica Buava said. “In 2018 alone, 67 million vegan meals were served as a result of our partnership with the government of São Paulo.” Since its launch, Meat Free Monday has gained the support of 3,000 schools across the UK—with more than two million students across the world now partaking in at least one meat-free lunch per week. “Join us in celebrating 10 years of Meat Free Monday,” Stella McCartney said. “Our planet needs us more now than ever. So let’s save the animals, save the planet, together.”
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