Food company Rebellyous Foods just announced an expansion of its vegan chicken products that includes 200 Safeway stores in the Pacific Northwest. The plant-based Seattle startup launched its one-pound packs of Rebellyous Plant-Based Nuggets in the retail market last year. The price has remained consistent, though the product options and retail locations have significantly expanded.
A Focus on affordability
Prior to launching its inaugural vegan nugget, Rebellyous raised over $1 million thanks to key investors such as Saudi Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed. In April 2020, it secured another $6 million to develop and produce two new products—Rebellyous chicken tenders and patties. Launched by a former Boeing engineer and Good Food Institute alumna Christie Lagally, the company is determined to create not only great-tasting meat alternatives, but meat alternatives that are affordable and accessible. All products retail for $5.99 per package—with the exception of Alaska where the price jumps to $6.49. Lagally’s goal is to further expand Rebellyous’ products to supermarkets nationwide.
Chicken is having a moment
Potentially spurred on by the rise of the hot chicken and chicken sandwich trends, plant-based chicken products are hitting the shelves like never before. Companies such as NUGGS, Sweet Earth, Incogmeato, and even Target’s Good & Gather brand have launched new vegan chicken products in the forms of nuggets, tenders, and strips. Chicken-specific vegan restaurants have also hit their stride, popping up in California (Wolfie’s), Texas (Project Pollo), and Oklahoma (The Beet Box), just to name a few. While vegan burgers aren’t going anywhere, vegan chicken is rapidly appealing to consumer appetites both at the store and when dining out.
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