Virgin Trains Debut Their First Vegan Cooked Breakfast

Commuters in the United Kingdom can now enjoy a hot pot of vegan hash browns, beans, mushrooms, and spinach aboard west coast Virgin Trains.


Transportation company Virgin Trains debuted last week the brand’s first vegan cooked breakfast in trains that service the west coast of the United Kingdom. The new breakfast option—available in “onboard” cars, which excludes first class—includes a hot pot that features mushrooms, hash browns, spinach, coriander (cilantro), and baked beans. The company announced the plant-based option via Facebook, posted with a photo that contained a container of dairy yogurt. Virgin explained that the photo was not a mistake but that the company developed the vegan option for riders with various dietary needs, stating, “The hot pot isn’t just for vegans. We’d encourage yogurt-eaters to try it too because it’s delicious.” Virgin trains also revealed it intends to potentially develop more vegan options, including plant-based milk. “We’ll always look to move with the times,” a Virgin Trains representative stated, “so you never know what offer may come next.” Last year, Virgin CEO Richard Branson participated in a $17 million investment round for clean-meat company Memphis Meats and declared that within 30 years, humans will no longer kill animals for food.

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